In childhood, we would be fascinated to visit zoos as we have seen most of the animals in zoo via only testbooks. Now just imagine how will you feel when you see humans within an cage rather than animals we usually see? Is that is weird? But late humans had done such an curial acts. Bef…
The prestigious Kargil war victory offered a high-ranking place for the Indian army among other developed countries' army, but that was not much easier, over 527 bravest souls rested for the nation. The Kargil war victory provided inspiration for the Indians and stunned o…
After the independence, various countries started to show their dominant role over India. Pakistan started a war within two months after independence. In 1947 October, Pakistan army beat up India to make Kashmir as part of Pakistan and India also lost some area to Pakistan and Pakis…
The satellites work with us to predict climate changes, incoming asteroids, understanding space in depth and many more. The satellites wear out and expire after a period of time as every machine we use in our routine life does. When a satellite becomes decommissioned, it shou…
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